book an access bars® appointment.
What is Access Bars®?
If you haven’t been taught to tune into your mind body connection - you’re in for a real treat! Learning to tune into your mind body connection will change your present experience and ultimately the rest of your life.
There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and with a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars®, it can occur with total ease.
Best of all, anyone can learn as it is not hard at all ! By learning or receiving the Access Bar® treatment, you can give yourself, clients, friends, family the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.
The Access Bars® or as I affectionally call it “bars” is a touch point therapy that quietens the mind and brings us back into balance with a sense of well-being similar to a relaxation massage or meditation.
The “bars” are 32 points on the head which, when lightly touched, help dissolve the electromagnetic component of thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, judgements and considerations that are causing your monkey mind. Thousands of people worldwide have used Access Bars® to change many aspects of their body and their life.
It’s great for anxiety, stress, sleep, overthinking, depression, ADHD, PTSD, fear, weight, confidence, self-esteem, anger, pain and ultimately it helps people to feel happy.
This is an opportunity for you to learn a scientifically proven holistic therapy process for letting go.
Want to learn more?
We offer a 1 day Access Bars training Class!
Get certified & Start your own business!