Ladies - book a reiki appointment.

Reiki is a healing modality that has existed for thousands of years that heals your energetic alignment.  

As a society we tend to have been conditioned to ignore our emotional well-being and just ‘get on with it’.  Reiki is important as it helps to maintain you on an energetic level. Energetic Alignment is intended to help you feel more connected to yourself and deepen that inner knowing of what feels right and light for you. 

Reiki is designed to give your energy system a comprehensive overhaul by removing energy blocks and restrictions and allowing you to start operating from your unique purpose with an overall sense of well-being and support your bodies’ own natural healing on all levels.  

During a Reiki treatment, light touch with cupped hands to focus energy to the energy centres of the body or to any point on the body that is experiencing physical pain. 

There are a number of positions on the body that are generally used in treatment sessions. These positions are non-invasive and if desired there need not be any touch at all. Often there is an experience of deep relaxation and a sense of peace and wellbeing. 

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Benefits of Reiki: 

·      Supports the body to heal itself

·      Relaxation and stress management

·      Reduction in cortisol levels

·      Release of pain and discomfort

·      Relief from anxiety and emotion

·      Clear and balance chakras

·      Stabilise the auric field

·      Stillness from the mind

·      Realignment of energetic system

·      Release of suppressed memories

·      Integration of emotional issues

·      Sense of harmony and balance

·      Improves sleep patterns

·      Improves physical energy levels

·      Mood improvement

·      Cleanses the body of toxins

·      Enhances awareness

·      Calms and balances mind and body

·      Spiritual Immunity ! 

All sessions are done fully clothed. 

 Distance Reiki sessions also are available with the before and after consultation done via phone or zoom

Sessions last approximately 1 hour which includes consult at end of the Reiki Treatment.

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