Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is difference between a wellness coach and a psychologist? 

What does a psychologist do? Provide assessment and therapy, also called counseling or psychotherapy.  They are registered healthcare professionals who diagnose and resolve problematic beliefs, behaviours, relationship issues, feelings and physical responses. They determine illnesses and pathologies so their patients can be clinically treated.

What does a wellness coach do? In wellness coaching, a healthy client works with a coach, who is not a healthcare professional, in order to clarify goals, identify limiting beliefs and problematic behavioural patterns in order to create and implement action plans to create more success and fulfilment in their life. A wellness coach enables their clients to take control of their life and take regular action to steer it toward their goals. A wellness coach does not diagnose illness they focus on “how” to achieve goals and create a life of design on the emotional, physical and mental plane. 

Q. What is Reiki? 

Reiki is a Japanese system of energy (Ki) healing. A Reiki practitioner acts as a channel for Ki and places their hands on or near the recipient over a series of locations on the body. Reiki flows through the energy channels of the body known as the chakras, nadis and meridians as well as in and around the aura. These channels have been described through other healing modalities such as acupuncture and other pressure point therapies. The hand placements have a correspondence to these energy channels. Reiki is an intelligent force that knows exactly where to go and how to respond to restrictions in the flow of Ki in the system. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to what is appropriate for them. Reiki cannot harm and is always helpful. Reiki is not a cure but rather it clears and re-energises the system enabling natural healing to occur. It may support the client, through broadening understanding, to experience and accept more fully. Whatever the outcomes Reiki soothes, reduces fear and helps clear unhelpful thoughts and emotions. Reiki can be applied to anyone for any reason and is immediate.

Q. How are Reiki treatments given?

Treatments are usually given fully clothed with the client lying down, although there are also methods for seated and distance healing. The Reiki practitioner uses light touch with cupped hands to focus the energy to the energy centres of the body or to any point on the body that is experiencing physical pain. 

There are a number of positions on the body that a generally used in treatment sessions. These positions are non-invasive and if desired there need not be any touch at all.

Q. What is an Access Bar Treatment?

The Access Bars from Access Consciousness are 32 points on the head which when touched lightly help dissolve thoughts, feelings, emotions and limitations that longer serve us. Fully clothed sessions can be completed on a massage table or recliner chair for client comfort. 

Q. What time zone are you in? 

I live in amazing Queensland Australia so all of my course times are advertised in AEST.