How to change your life with Quantum energy
We all have those moments where we feel exhausted, frustrated and like nothing is going right. These moments are often a sign from our inner intuition that we’re out of energetic alignment and we may have veered off course from the life we WANT to create for ourselves!
Are You Ready To Align Energetically?
Yes, of course you are! So let’s get real deep, real quick and talk quantum energy and vibration and how you can embrace it and activate it within you, so you can start seeing ALIGNED RESULTS in any area of your life.
There is one common thing we all do (unconsciously) when it comes to living our lives and that is, we tend to ignore our energy alignment and our inner intuition. I know I have done it too, too many times to count!
I want to share with you exactly how to stop doing that, so you can begin to create a life where you can thrive not just survive each and every day and with so much more ease, fun, joy, & grace in your world.
What is Quantum Energy?
All scientists will tell you that everything in the universe is energy, in chemistry and physics, the word quantum refers to a single packet of matter or energy.
Simply put this means EVERYTHING is a part of the quantum world including US! You are energy, I am energy, our thoughts, body and soul are all energy. ENERGY is all that we are!
Has someone ever stood behind you and even though they weren’t touching you and you couldn’t see them, yet you instantly could feel their energy?
What you are actually feeling is their energetic vibration and quantum energy.
How Can Quantum Energy Change Our Life?
Quantum energy means we can create or manifest ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING we want in our lives because it already exists now - as ENERGY!
I told you we were diving in straight away and that last sentence took me a while to fully grasp too!
But it is true, everything already exists as energy in the quantum world which means we can ATTRACT or MANIFEST anything we desire in our lives.
So now you probably be thinking, well if that is true then:
· How do I find my dream relationship?
· How do I build my dream business?
· How do I increase my financial wealth?
· How do I make my life work?
You want me to give you the how to guide! Well here it is in one sentence….
All you need to do is align yourself to the same energetic vibration of whatever it is you DESIRE to attract it into your life.
But here also is where I put in my disclaimer which is - just wanting or wishing something into your life is not enough to ACTUALLY attract it, you also have to do the rest of the steps and follow through with ALIGNED action.
How Do You Do That?
Most of us haven’t been taught or encourage to tap into our true energetic selves, many of us were taught that energy is only part of our physical body, which it is part, but it is also so much more too, ENERGY is everything!
As adults, we can often avoid trying new things or give up after a couple of times because of our innate fear of failure.
The key to being able to bring about change in our life is we need to give ourselves permission to fail or to fall down but then we MUST reactivate our energy and vibration so we can reassess and recommence our action steps to achieving our desires and goals.
We need to reframe our mind around FAILURE. There is actually no such thing as failure only life lessons to learn.
Everything that happens in life - good and bad is simply just FEEDBACK. It is teaching us we can adjust our choices, behaviour or beliefs and we will get different feedback and the best part is we get the CHOICE to keep adjusting our actions until we get the feedback we want.
I’m sure you have all heard before that Thomas Edison discovered 1000 different ways the light bulb wouldn’t work, before he discovered that one way it would work!
By removing failure from our perception, we gift ourselves more freedom to be willing to fully embrace life and to grow and learn. We also give ourselves the choice to develop the behavioural flexibility to be able to keep consciously adjusting our actions based on our feedback. We can continue to make new choices until we RECEIVE the feedback and results’ we want in our life.
How do we switch our vibrational state?
The quickest way to switch our vibrational state is to activate our physiology. The quickest way to change our low vibrational thoughts in our minds is to change our body ‘s physiological state. Each one of us has our own unique version what being in a high vibrational state or flow is.
The feelings we have are triggered by our body or physiology. When you are in a low vibrational state, notice how your body is positioned, you are probably hunched over, head down, maybe you breathe slower or maybe you even curl up in bed, the point I am trying to make it there is a physiological link to our low vibrational state which means there is a physiological link to our high vibrational state! Bingo!
So, the fastest way to switch our vibrational state is to change our physiology or just move our bodies!
I’m not saying every time you are in a low vibrational state you need to run 10 kms but you can if that is what works for you! This CHOICE is yours! You also may choose to simply get up and change where you are sitting, maybe you want to change the clothes you have on, take a cold shower, drink some water, jump up and down whatever you choose to do as long as you are moving your body in some way you will change your vibrational state.
So remember if you find yourself in a low vibrational state you have the choice whether or not you stay there!