5 Universal Choice Points In Life.

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Every day we all get caught up in our experiences of life, some experiences might annoy or frustrate us, and others make us happy and joyful but have you ever wondered how there can be 12 people all in the same situation, but they will all experience something different?

This is because there are five key universal choice points, that all play together, that we all have, and that can affect the way we all experience life.


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The first universal choice point is our perspective, it is our philosophy on how we live life, it’s our view of or the way we see things in life, it’s where our values are, our priorities are, and our deepest desires are. Our belief system and our perspective are intertwined. The quality of our perspective absolutely affects how we experience our experiences. The quality of perspective is an important part of our psyche and our emotional fitness as well our ability to think and our ability to mentalize. Our perspective directly impacts our experiences in life.  Perspective is also another word for awareness. The quality of our perspective or awareness impacts the quality of our life as our perspective then infiltrates our perception which is the second universal choice point. 

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Our perception or how we perceive something is directly related to or influences what meaning we choose to give to things. The quality of what we choose to make things mean is the third universal choice point.

We all are meaning making machines in, what some may describe, a vast meaningless world. The quality of what we choose to make things mean affects the fourth universal choice point our feelings how we are going feel about it.

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 Our feelings drive our experience of life, how we feel about our experience completely colours our experience.  Our feelings completely impact our experience. Our feelings come from what we have chosen to make things mean. Our meaning comes from our perceptions and our perceptions come from our perspective and awareness. How we feel directly impacts the fifth universal choice point our experience in life.

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 The quality of our experiences is directly related to the quality of our perspective or awareness. We have all heard the saying that when we get caught up in our experience of life, we have got to put things back into perspective.  This is because the more aware we are at a perspective level, the more power, control and effectiveness we have over our experiences.

If you want to change something in your life, then start working on your perspective and you can take charge and change of area of your life.

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One of the gifts you can give yourself by working with a coach is to give yourself a cleaner perspective of life.  The cleaner our perspective is the healthier we are mentally and the healthier we are emotionally and the more emotionally fit we can become. Emotional fitness cannot be had if our perspective is all messed up. If our perspective is clean and healthy then we can achieve emotional fitness, the two are interchangeable.

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If you are interested in getter a cleaner perspective then click below !


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