How To Build Self Esteem

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Our self-esteem is a feeling of knowing you can handle what’s ahead of you. If we have low self-esteem we feel we have too much to lose— we need to protect what we have — so we hold ourselves back. A lot of people don’t know how to build their self- esteem and as a result of that they hold themselves back. They won’t take action on the things that are going to be great for them and for their lives.

If we have higher self-esteem we’re going to be more likely to take the right amount of risks and move ourselves towards having a more fulfilling life.

Think about two people playing a game of poker.

Poker is about taking risks. Making bets.

One person has on hundred poker chips. The other player is sitting across the table with just ten.

Who is going to take more risks?

Of course, the person with one hundred chips, because they have more they can afford to lose.

So how do we build our self-esteem?

One way is increase the amount of self-trust we have by keeping the promises we make to ourselves.

I coach a lot of clients who say they would do anything for others but they let themselves down time and time again.

You have a relationship with you first ! We have all heard the aeroplane analogy of put your own mask on first then help others.

You are listening to yourself all the time. You are experiencing everything you do. When we say we are going to do something and don’t follow through, we’re breaking trust with ourselves.

We might not ever let down a friend or loved one, yet we let ourselves down without a second thought.

Imagine you have a trust bank, like an actual bank. It lives inside you and you can make investments and increase the amount of trust you have in the bank. The way you make an investment is you follow through on what you say you’ll do.

The way you make withdrawals—and we want to avoid that—is to let yourself down by breaking promises you make to yourself. Yes, even little ones like ‘I’ll sort out my ironing today’.

The way to apply this is to practise with little things.

  • Wake up at five if you tell yourself you will.

  • Meditate if you tell yourself you will.

  • Go to the gym if you tell yourself you will.

It is important not stop making commitments you can’t follow through with. It’s better to take time to feel it something is right for you right off the bat than to make a commitment and not follow through on it. When you do that, you’re not prioritising yourself, you’re making withdrawals from your self-trust bank and you’re lowering your self-esteem.

Learning how to build your self esteem is one part of the process in my Emotional Fitness Formula that I take my coaching clients through to develop a deep level of self awareness.

If this article has resonated with you and you would like to learn how to go even deeper and create more for you in your life, click the link below to connect.


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