
Curated to motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to use during difficult times, stressful days and those moments when alignment is needed most.

Leanne Towner Leanne Towner

Crystals To Help You Sleep

Do you toss and turn all night ? Looking for a natural non chemical solution? Find out how using crystals can help improve your sleep patterns.

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Leanne Towner Leanne Towner

Introduction to using crystals

Each crystal is unique in their appearance and they CHOOSE their owners or caretakers and if a crystal disappears on you it means it has fulfilled its’ or purpose for you in this life and has ascended to a new dimension. Here are 5 ways you can start to use the power of crystals in your life.

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Start your journey


I love seeing what my clients create, choose and manifest in their lives after working with me.  It truly joyous and rewarding when my clients allow their mind, body and spirit to fully align, the results are never anything short of truly remarkable and mind blowing! 

If you are into being the architect of your own life and constantly evolving, then contact me for a free 15 minute discovery call.