How to balance your masculine and feminine energy

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What does it mean if you are a female, and someone says to you “you are too much in your masculine energy?” No, they are not trying to tell you it is time for a facial wax…..though best go check in the mirror to be sure! What they are talking about are the universal energies that we all possess regardless of our gender.

You see, we are all born with masculine and feminine energies, in Chinese medicine, they refer to them as yin and yang energies. Yin is the feminine energy and Yang is the masculine energy. We all will display a greater dominance or pull towards one of the energies over that of the other. It is extremely difficult to find an even balance between both of these energies, and that should not be our goal here, rather to use this knowledge to be more consciously aware of who we are.

Giving is an action of our masculine energy and receiving is an action of our feminine energy, this is why it is common for women especially mums who are constantly giving to others to find themselves stuck too much in their masculine energies.

This is why is it so important that women take the time to align with their own energetic frequencies, to recharge their souls and realign themselves with their purpose and passion.

When talking about masculine and feminine energy, we need to discuss the power of polarity which is based on the sexual attraction between the masculine and feminine energies and is what causes intimate connection in our relationships.  You know that feeling we get combined with our physical reactions and then that overwhelming magnetic pull we feel when we meet someone with an energy opposite to our own. But if two people meet with a similar polarity then the sexual attraction between the two of them will be far less. This is where the saying “opposites attract” was derived.

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What is masculine energy?

Masculine energy is our “boss” energy, it is assertive, goal-oriented, confident, focused, efficient, accomplished and dominant. The masculine energy wants to experience freedom, wants to be appreciated, it’s the hunter, it’s able to forget and move on easily.  It is our daytime energy, activity, vision and power energy.

Masculine energy can hustle without burning out. It solves problems in a heartbeat, it’s all mind over matter.  It thinks fast, has exuberant energy, motivation and drive. It is robust and keeps you tenaciously pursuing what you want in life.

Others may refer to having a high masculine energy as having an A type personality and they may feel easily intimidated by you or not want to willingly open up with you. You may give too much and not receive enough. If your masculine energy is too dominant you’ll feel tired, stressed, overworked and unloved. You may not feel valued, nurtured, or appreciated.

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 What is feminine energy? 

Feminine energy is creative, intuitive, compassionate, sensing, feeling and stillness. It is our nighttime energy and wants to experience love, it wants to be understood, it’s the nurturer, it remembers and hangs on to situations.

Feminine energy likes to get vulnerable, honest, transparent and authentic. It is integrity focused and empathic. It has the ability to be still and manifest. The feminine energy is able to connect with and deeply understand others by listening, sharing and nurturing.

When we are too much in our feminine energy we may appear as “needy”or “sensitive” to others, we will tend to want time alone which can feel isolating and lonely and can lead to staying in unhealthy relationships (personal and professional). If our feminine energy is too dominant we will feel ungrounded and lack sense of direction or purpose and therefore we will feel unsupported, unfocused, scattered, irritable and unstable.

So it is easy to see how we need both energies in our life, the masculine focuses, plans and pursues and the feminine creates, dreams and manifests.

In today’s ego-driven way of being we can choose to stay in our masculine energy of doing the hard work, the slog and the hustle of the never ending go, go, go or we can choose to also realign ourselves with the energy that is going to call in our dreams and desires which is our feminine energy.   

Don’t get me wrong, our masculine energy is extremely powerful, it is the energy that gets stuff done but so too is our feminine energy and it is about how we use both of these superpowers in combination that is the real key to finding true inner alignment and harmony.

And of course, we must take action in our lives! We can’t sit back and say “Please universe give me everything I want now” without also taking aligned action to bring our desires to fruition.

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But what is aligned action?

By definition aligned action embraces the philosophy of acting and being in sync with our deepest knowing while contributing to the bigger universal systems we belong to. Taking action in alignment is about doing what we do not because we have to but because we want to.

You want to be taking the action, where you wake up every morning and you are inspired to do whatever it is you choose to do in your day, ie. work in your business, your career that you love or being a stay at home mum, we want to wake up each day filled with passion and flow knowing we can receive exactly what we want in our lives. 

How can I balance my masculine and feminine energy?

Start becoming more conscious of your vast energy system within and around you. Which of the two energy systems do you need to realign? It’s as simple as asking yourself what you need each day and seeking to align with what your soul needs.

For feminine energy:

  • Yoga or pilates - One of the primary goals of yoga is to bridge the gap between masculine and feminine. Learning the art of holding space for you to develop is purely feminine energy. Whereas learning to focus solely on your breathe is a masculine energy.

  • Meditate

  • Journal

  • Sleep

  • Feel your feelings

  • Cry

  • Dance

  • Ground in nature

  • Redecorate a room

  • Paint

  • Colour in

For masculine energy:

  • Plan a trip or schedule in your down time with an activity you like to do such as reading.

  • Pick a goal to work towards. Schedule in time each week to work towards your goal. Celebrate and feel the joy of completing this goal

  • Giving will always put you back into action state of the masculine energy

  • Do something competitive

  • Construct a project

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IF you like this article and would like to learn even more about masculine and feminine energies and alignment. Please join our waitlist for our unlock online course - may 2021 intake! We dive deep into an entire module on masculine and feminine energy.


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